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Origin and Development of International Women's Day


International Women's Day, also known as March 8th, is celebrated annually to commemorate and celebrate the struggles and achievements of women worldwide in their fight for equality, political and economic participation, and women's rights.


The origin of International Women's Day can be traced back to 1910 when an International Women's Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, and March 8th was declared as International Women's Day. The theme of the conference was to fight for women's suffrage and their participation in political decision-making.


In 1917, women in Soviet Russia held a large-scale demonstration against the Tsarist government on this day, which was considered an important event in the overthrow of the Tsarist regime. Since then, International Women's Day has gradually become an international women's holiday and is celebrated and commemorated worldwide.


As time has passed, the theme of International Women's Day has also changed. In addition to fighting for women's political and economic rights, today's International Women's Day also focuses on women's health, safety, education, and culture. In some countries and regions, International Women's Day has also become a day to pay tribute to and express gratitude to women, with people giving flowers, gifts, and well wishes.


In conclusion, International Women's Day is an important international holiday that not only commemorates the struggles and achievements of women, but also reminds us that we need to continue our efforts to fight for women's equality and rights.



Contact: Jacktao

Phone: +86-13815034152

E-mail: director@yunismart.com


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