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Industry News

North American AIoT industry

Choose an ecologically complete smart platform, and the smart home market is broad.

The US smart house market is very active and will continue to maintain substantial growth.The surge in market demand has created the North American market's attention to the production speed, cost, and operating system integration capabilities of smart device.Yuni smart has upgraded the intelligence of North American companies,providing services such as reducing R&D costs,shortening time to market,opening up upstream and downstream channels,and data analysis. With complete ecological construction capabilities,it quickly gains a place in the North American AIoT market.

Scholars with decades of operating experience in the North American market said that the North American market is more friendly to smart home system companies with a global background,a complete ecological chain,and price advantages.The coexistence of upstream and downstream ecosystems such as factories and brands,the price advantage brought by standardization, and services such as data analysis.



Contact: Jacktao

Phone: +86-13815034152

E-mail: director@yunismart.com


Add: No.143,Qingyangbei Road,Changzhou,Jiangsu,China